What is Tendervino.it and why did we create it?

Are you getting all the opportunities you can have from Italy? If you do, maybe you don’t need us.

Have you ever had the feeling of finding yourself in front of an enormous quantity of producers, of different wines, of unknown denominations and struggling to understand which product could be the best for you?

Italy, as many know, has the largest variety of grapes, an endless list of IGT/DOC/DOCG, each with its own rules and it is therefore often difficult for a foreign importer or agent to figure out which winery to turn to. Many of the Italian producers are capable of producing wines of excellence, each with a story to tell, with many unique productions and have enormous untapped potential in international markets.
Their strength is their limited size, being artisanal producers, often family-run and with a long tradition behind them.

Their weakness, however, lies in the fact that they often lack a real ability to do exports, little time to devote to growth in international markets and little experience, especially in complex markets such as those covered by a state monopoly.

This is why we created Tendervino.it, a space to bring together supply and demand, both very fragmented.

We provide accompaniment to Italian producers in the Canadian and Scandinavian markets, in the various channels in which it is possible to work: from participation in Tender, to the Horeca channel, to Wine Clubs, or to private importation, where it is permitted. We train wineries and export managers to make them aware of the opportunities of the various markets, of the functioning of the various Monopolies, of market trends.

To foreign importers or agents we offer the search for producers and wines suitable for their business, for their customers. Are you looking for an organic producer for the Horeca market? Are you looking for a Sicilian wine to present to a Wine Club? Do you want a wine in a Bag in Box to present to a Tender? We are your ideal partner.

Who is Tendervino.it? Let’s ask dircetly to teh founder.


I’m Alessandro Satin, Wine Export Manager and Ambassador of Merano Wine Festival, teacher of Wine Export Management and I’ve been in the wine and spirits trade for over 20 years. I started in 2001 as a commercial agent in Bacardi-Martini, then I moved to Shanghai, as importer of Italian wines and in 2017 I returned back to Italy with the role of Wine Export Manager. In 2021 I founded Tendervino.it.

Find me on Linkedin here

Contact us now at “info@tendervino.it” and get in touch with the Italian market